Dontate for

Special Child Support Education

54% of children with multiple disabilities in India never attend an educational institution.

They are waiting for the opportunity to attend they first ever school, and to receive the necessary rehabilitation and therapy, to support them in life.

  • Special Education
  • A range of Debilitative Therapies (including home-based rehabilitation) and vocational & skill Training for youth.
  • Extra-curricular Activities (sport, music, art, Yoga).
  • Life skills..
  • Parental and Family support services.
  • A child is only as disabled as their environment and the beliefs of the people around them." In India, families of differently-abled Children struggle to find the necessary Services, Opportunities, and support to help their child or reach their full potential. Particularly in plural areas, without support, Parents often give up hope and - special needs children are left to languish at home. In India, 2.68 core people or 2.21% of the total population, are disabled in Punjab alone, the percentage of disabled is higher at 2.35% of the population. A lack of educational opportunities for disabled people to participate in social and economic life or even to be considered productive individuals within their own families.